La búsqueda del término steun ha obtenido 67 resultados
NL Neerlandés ES Español
steun (n) [financiën] {m} ánimo (n) {m} [financiën]
steun (n) [algemeen] {m} soporte (n) {m} [algemeen]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} patrocinio (n) {m} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} patrocinio (n) {m} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} patrocinio (n) {m} [financiën]
NL Neerlandés ES Español
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} patrocinio (n) {m} [bijstand]
steun (n v) [anything that serves to support something] {m} sostén (n v) {m} [anything that serves to support something]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} ánimo (n) {m} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} ánimo (n) {m} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [constructie] {m} soporte (n) {m} [constructie]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} ánimo (n) {m} [bijstand]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} auxilio (n) {m} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} auxilio (n) {m} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} auxilio (n) {m} [financiën]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} auxilio (n) {m} [bijstand]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} concurso (n) {m} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} concurso (n) {m} [goedkeuring]
steun (n v) [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it] {m} estribo (n v) {m} [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it]
steun (n v) [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it] {m} estantal (n v) [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it] (n v)
steun (n v) [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it] {m} boterete (n v) [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it] (n v)
steun (n v) [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it] {m} machón (n v) [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it]
steun (n) [constructie] {m} riostra (n) {f} [constructie]
steun (n) [voorwerp] {m} puntal (n) {m} [voorwerp]
steun (n) [constructie] {m} puntal (n) {m} [constructie]
steun (n) [algemeen] {m} puntal (n) {m} [algemeen]
steun (n v) [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it] {m} contrafuerte (n v) {m} [brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} concurso (n) {m} [financiën]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} respaldo (n) {m} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} respaldo (n) {m} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} respaldo (n) {m} [financiën]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} respaldo (n) {m} [bijstand]
steun (n v) [anything that serves to support something] {m} refuerzo (n v) {m} [anything that serves to support something]
steun (n) [voorwerp] {m} soporte (n) {m} [voorwerp]
steun (n v) [something which supports] {m} soporte (n v) {m} [something which supports]
steun (n v) [something which supports] {m} apoyo (n v) {m} [something which supports]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} aliento (n) {m} [financiën]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} aliento (n) {m} [bijstand]
steun (n) [baan] {m} subsidio de paro (n) {m} [baan]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} asistencia (n) {f} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} asistencia (n) {f} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} asistencia (n) {f} [financiën]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} asistencia (n) {f} [bijstand]
steun (n) [voorwerp] {m} apoyo (n) {m} [voorwerp]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} aliento (n) {m} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} apoyo (n) {m} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} apoyo (n) {m} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} apoyo (n) {m} [financiën]
steun (n v) [financial or other help] {m} apoyo (n v) {m} [financial or other help]
steun (n) [constructie] {m} apoyo (n) {m} [constructie]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} apoyo (n) {m} [bijstand]
steun (n v) [anything that serves to support something] {m} apoyo (n v) {m} [anything that serves to support something]
steun (n) [algemeen] {m} apoyo (n) {m} [algemeen]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} aliento (n) {m} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [constructie] {m} traviesa (n) {f} [constructie]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} reserva (n) {f} [bijstand]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} reserva (n) {f} [financiën]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} reserva (n) {f} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} reserva (n) {f} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} ayuda (n) {f} [bijstand]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} ayuda (n) {f} [financiën]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} ayuda (n) {f} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} ayuda (n) {f} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} socorro (n) {m} [bijstand]
steun (n) [financiën] {m} socorro (n) {m} [financiën]
steun (n) [goedkeuring] {m} socorro (n) {m} [goedkeuring]
steun (n) [moraliteit] {m} socorro (n) {m} [moraliteit]
steun (n) [bijstand] {m} concurso (n) {m} [bijstand]

'Traducciones del Neerlandés al Español

NL Sinónimos de steun ES Traducciones
hulp [bijstand] m auxilio {m}
ruggesteun [bijstand] m respaldo {m}
affiniteit [sympathie] f afinidad {f}
medeleven [sympathie] n pésame {m}
bijstand [assistentie] m auxilio {m}
medewerking [assistentie] f cooperación {f}
assistentie [hulp] f socorro {m}
ondersteuning [hulp] f crédito {m}
stut [pijler] m refuerzo {m}
drager [pijler] m transportista {m}
goedkeuring [aanmoediging] f convenio {m}
zegen [aanmoediging] m ventaja {f}
toevlucht [rots] m refugio {m}
soelaas [troost] consuelo {m}
troost [soelaas] m premio de consuelo (n)
uitkering [steun] f subvención {f}
schraag [leuning] m caballete {m}
houvast [baat] n punto de apoyo {m}
pijler [drager] m soporte {m}
tegemoetkoming [bijdrage] f concesión {f}