La búsqueda del término veld ha obtenido 15 resultados
ES Español NL Neerlandés
veld (n) [pasture land] {m} veld (n) {n} [pasture land]
veld (n) [África del sur] {m} grasvlakte (n) {f} [África del sur]
veld (n) [pasture land] {m} grasland (n) {n} [pasture land]
NL Neerlandés ES Español
veld (n adj v) [cell in a grid] {n} casilla (n adj v) {f} [cell in a grid]
veld (n v) [in mathematics] {n} cuerpo (n v) {m} [in mathematics]
veld (n v) [in mathematics] {n} campo (n v) {m} [in mathematics]
veld (n v) [land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country] {n} campo (n v) {m} [land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country]
veld (n) [landbouw] {n} campo (n) {m} [landbouw]
veld (n v) [physics: region affected by a particular force] {n} campo (n v) {m} [physics: region affected by a particular force]
veld (n v) [sports: area reserved for playing a game] {n} campo (n v) {m} [sports: area reserved for playing a game]
veld (n v) [wide, open space used to grow crops or to hold farm animals] {n} campo (n v) {m} [wide, open space used to grow crops or to hold farm animals]
veld (n) [pasture land] {n} veld (n) {m} [pasture land]
veld (n) [sport] {n} cancha (n) {f} [sport]
veld (n) [sport] {n} terreno de juego (n) {m} [sport]
veld (n) [sport] {n} campo de juego (n) {m} [sport]

'Traducciones del Neerlandés al Español

NL Sinónimos de veld ES Traducciones
weiland [akkers] n champ {m}
terrein [akker] n champ {m}
grond [akker] m terre {f}
platteland [buiten] n campagne {f}
vlakte [buiten] f plaine {f}
reikwijdte [gebied] f portée {f}
zone [gebied] m zone {f}
lap grond [kavel] m propriété foncière {f}
akker [grond] m champ {m}